Tuition 2020/2021

Tuition 2020/20212020-06-26T14:25:36+00:00

Registration Fee

Registration Fee of $100.00 per new family is due upon application. This is a one time per family fee. It is due when the first child is enrolled. The registration fee is not due for subsequent children from the same family. This fee is non-refundable and is not deductible from tuition.


Pre-K meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday
9:00-11:30 (10:00-12:30 on snow delay days)
Class size is limited to 12 students.

The cost of Pre-K is $1,500.00 payable in 10 monthly payments August 15th-May 15th. Although there is no registration fee, the first month’s tuition ($150.00) is due with the application.

If the entire cost is paid on or before August 1, a 2% discount is applied for a total of $1,470.00.


Kindergarten – Eighth Grade

Technology Fee
Effective 2016-2017 the Technology Fee ($100.00 per student Grades 1-8 per year) is not paid separately and is included with tuition.

Sports Fee
$50.00 per student per sport per year.

Tuition is payable in 10 monthly payments: August 15th-May 15th.


Children Enrolled Per Year Per Month
1 child in Kindergarten (half day) $4,565 $456.50
1 child in K & 1 in grades 1-8 $9,975 $997.50
1 child in K & 2 in grades 1-8 $15,040 $1,504.00
1 child in K & 3 in grades 1-8 $19,760 $1,976.00


Children Enrolled Per Year Per Month
1 child in grades 1-8 $5,755 $575.50
2 children in grades 1-8 $11,165 $1,116.50
3 children in grades 1-8 $16,230 $1,623.00
4 children in grades 1-8 $20,950 $2,095.00


Early Payment Plan
A 2% discount is offered if entire tuition is paid on or before August 1.

Children Enrolled Per Year
1 child in Kindergarten (half day) $4,473.70
1 child in K & 1 in grades 1-8 $9,775.50
1 child in K & 2 in grades 1-8 $14,739.20
1 child in K & 3 in grades 1-8 $19,364.80


Children Enrolled Per Year
1 child in grades 1-8 $5,639.90
2 children in grades 1-8 $10,941.70
3 children in grades 1-8 $15,905.40
4 children in grades 1-8 $20,531.00


Tuition Grants
Limited Tuition Grants are available. Forms must be completed and submitted through FACTS by April 30th. The amount of the grant awarded, if any, will be between 10% and 50% of total tuition. Please contact the school office for more information regarding how to apply.

Accounts in Arrears

When unforeseen financial difficulties arise parents should notify the school office immediately. Parents with payments in arrears who have not notified the school will be contacted about the account. If payment is not received upon notification, or if a special arrangement is not made, the payment will be considered delinquent. In the case of any delinquent accounts at the end of the first semester, the affected student may not be admitted the second semester until the account is current.

A 1% fee per month will be charged for tuition 60 days past due.

All tuition and other bills must be paid by the last day of school or satisfactory arrangements made with the school office.